Take It From a Woman: This Is the Sexiest Drink You Can Order on a Date

We sat down with cocktail creator and influencer Julianna McIntosh to chat all things dating and drinking

October 30, 2024 4:06 pm EDT
Cocktail influencer Julianna McIntosh
Julianna McIntosh shares her dating and drinking red flags.

There are three certainties in life: Death, taxes and drinking on first dates (that is, if you consume alcohol). It’s the easiest way to calm the nerves and get the awkward conversation flowing, as long as you don’t get sloppy, obviously. 

You might think that’s all you have to be concerned with — not slurring your words across from your Hinge date. But did you know that your drink order, your choice of bar, and even your own bartending skills can tell a woman a lot about you as a potential partner? 

Now, every woman has her preference for an ideal date spot, the type of cocktail they find the sexiest and what a man should have stocked on his bar cart.

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To gain a different perspective, I sat down with Julianna McIntosh at a special event for Cutwater, the spirits-based canned cocktail brand that recently launched a few festive flavors for the holiday season. McIntosh is a cocktail creator, influencer and author of her new cocktail book Pretty Simple CocktailsShe shared her dating and drinking red flags, what drink to order on a date, and a couple of date night ideas that you, a man, should consider before you plan your next romantic outing. 

InsideHook: If a man made you a cocktail, which would impress you the most?

Julianna McIntosh: This is a tricky question because it depends on your spirit. Now, you’re asking me, I love gin. So, I would say if somebody whips me out a French 75, which is such a classic classy cocktail. And if you top it with champagne, not Prosecco, you took that extra step for the champagne, which for me, sold. I’m in. 

There’s also something to be said about taking a classic cocktail and elevating it in a certain way, like a classic Martini or a Dirty Martini made the right way. If a man takes the steps to chill the glassware and garnish it, that’s an immediate yes.

IH: And do you think men should know your preferred liquor of choice?

JM: 100%. If they don’t know what your spirit of choice is, that’s a red flag, in my opinion. ‘Cause what if they think you’re a tequila drinker but you only like vodka? That would be such a bummer. So, yeah, they have to know your spirit. That’s a non-starter.

IH: What should every man have stocked in their home bar cart?

JM: Again, it’s a tough answer because it does come down to preference. I think it needs to have the classics that they like. A lot of men like their tequilas, they like their bourbons, their whiskeys. So, ensuring that they have what they prefer is great, but I think sometimes it gets neglected from there. 

If you are entertaining, or maybe on a date, to be able to supply a beautiful gin, to be able to offer a nice mezcal, I think having those selected craft bottles can go a long way, and show that you care. It can get expensive, but I think if you find what that person’s spirit of choice is, and then you go find a craft bottle of that spirit, I think that speaks more volumes than just having whatever you found at the liquor store. This seems so obvious to us, but I feel like it’s an extra step that if you do it, it goes a long way.

IH: Okay, ideal first date spot: Intimate cocktail bar or a sit-down restaurant?

JM: Neither. I think we gotta bring the jazz clubs back. Why are we not doing the jazz clubs anymore? Come on! If you take me to a jazz club, you order me a Martini — and that could be any Martini; it could be a Dirty Martini, it could be an Espresso Martini, and we listen to jazz and have a conversation, sold. Sold! 

It’s way classier than a cocktail bar because cocktail bars can be loud and hard to have a conversation in. Then sometimes a restaurant, it can feel so formal. Whereas I feel like that jazz club is nice to get to know someone, to sip on a cocktail, and have that nice casual vibe. So I say jazz club, all the way.

IH: Do you think men should dance?

JM: 100%. Okay, what happened? You watch all those old movies where, you know, before men go off to war, they have these parties.

IH: So true. This is something I talk about a lot because I find it such a turnoff when men, especially at weddings, just sit there…

JM: Oh my God.

LM: They don’t wanna dance.

JM: And you know what? Men used to dance. Men used to dance and they used to order fancy cocktails in a coupe. And you know what? Somebody said one day that that wasn’t cool and they’re wrong. They’re wrong. I feel like we as women, and I speak for all of us, and I could be wrong, but I think a man who can dance is way more attractive than a guy who sits in a chair.

IH: Speaking of attractive, what’s the most attractive cocktail a man can order at a bar?

JM: The easy answer here, I would say, is an Old Fashioned. That’s what everybody’s expecting. But to be quite honest with you, it just strikes me as boring. You can make them at home. They’re easy to make at home.

I think that men should order more cocktails in a coupe. Fun fact, the Clover Club, which is a beautiful pink cocktail, used to be made specifically for men. Like that was the Man’s man cocktail way back when. And it became uncool because the color pink started to become associated with women and not as cool. So if you are out there ordering a cocktail and you are a man and you order something in a coupe that you love, this could be a daiquiri, it could be the Clover Club. I just want men to order things because they want it, not because what it’s served in or because they think they should order that. That, I think, speaks more than just a boring, basic standard male order. Just have fun with it. ‘Cause we know, after a while the Old Fashioned’s boring, so make it fun.

And by the way, a lot of times men don’t want to order a stiff cocktail. They’re just embarrassed to get a fruity cocktail. Let’s be honest, they want a fruity cocktail, and that’s okay. Just order what you want!

IH: Lastly, of Cutwater’s festive offerings, which canned cocktail are you most excited to sip on this holiday season?

JM: The White Russian has just been steady for me. It’s never let me down. When I had my first sip, it felt like something I would make. I also love elevating the White Russian ’cause it is a classic cocktail. I’ll make a White Russian affogato, which uses ice cream, Cutwater’s White Russian and a garnish. So, that one, hands down for the holidays, whether you’re treating yourself or you’re hosting, is my go-to.



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