This Quick Stair Test Can Tell if You’re at Risk of Heart Disease, Cancer

If you can't complete the task, it might be time to up your workout ante.

Being able to jet up four flights of stairs in under a minute is a great health indicator. (Getty Images)
Getty Images/Westend61

For an accurate check on your health, just head to your closest staircase.

That’s how a new study says anyone can see if they’re as healthy as they think they are. It found that those who could quickly walk up four flights of stairs without stopping were in good shape, Today reported.

Those who couldn’t complete the task without stopping, in under a minute, however, were at greater risk of premature death from heart disease, cancer and other causes.

It’s called “exercise capacity,” which determines if a person is capable of high levels of physical exertion. People who are able to reach higher levels had less chance of dying early of any cause, the study found.

“Physical activity has positive effect on blood pressure and lipids, reduces inflammation and improves the body`s immune response to tumors,” the study’s author, Jesús Peteiro, said.

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