Supply, meet demand.
It’s a problem when the former outstrips the latter — at least for manufacturers. And it’s great for buyers.
Several factors have unexpectedly aligned to make this a superlative time to be in the market for a private jet, with one analyst saying “insane” bargains are out there for motivated buyers. Get your black cards out.
Why? Consider it a perfect storm. Pundits blame a lack of progress on the Trump administration’s expected tax cuts for the wealthy: surely they’re on the way (if not via Congress than perhaps by some sort of convoluted fiat, as seen with this week’s dismantling of the ACA), but they’re not here yet. Corporate jet buying is at decade-long lows. Meanwhile, the zeitgeist is trending away from exorbitant travel. Even in the most Teflon-ated executive branch in memory, flying private brought down one Cabinet member: Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, who resigned after Politico reported that he had flown private five times within the space of three days in September. It’s not quite a Marie Antoinette-level Qu’ils s’envolent privée, but it’s trending in a certain direction.
The result? A glut of available planes.
“Bombardier has offered discounts of as much as $7 million on the Challenger 350’s list price of about $26 million,” according to Bloomberg. Smaller and used planes will see prices drop as well, so whether you’re buying for yourself, your business or just perusing the listings, now’s the time to make your move.
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