Nota bene: All products in this article are independently selected and vetted by InsideHook editors. If you buy something, we may earn an affiliate commission.
The North Face is currently hosting a flash sale on Nordstrom Rack, with a variety of outdoor gear up to 35% off. We recommend that you focus specifically on the jackets and duffel bags. On hand are lightweight, all-season slickers like the Ambition Rain Jacket, heftier options that’ll serve you well in a couple months like the Arrowood Triclimate Jacket, and fleece go-tos like the Tech Glacier 1/4 Zip. On the duffels side, find both technical outdoor packs like the polyester Homestead Road Tripper and bags for an elevated three-day-weekend like the Berkeley Duffel.
It’s The North Face, so don’t lose too much sleep over it. Whatever you choose, it’s going to get the job done. Below, find four of our favorites from the sale.
Ambition Rain Jacket
Homestead Road Tripper Pack
Tech Glacier 1/4 Zip
Berkely Duffel
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