Despite all the “agony” he says he feels impersonating President Trump, Alec Baldwin returned for another term on Saturday Night Live. For this weekend’s cold open, that meant focusing on the Administration’s response to the Parkland Shooting. The segment opened with a CNN segment hosted by Alex Moffat as Anderson Cooper, and then went straight to a “show of unity” at the White House with Baldwin’s grimacing Trump joined by Beck Bennett’s Mike Pence and Cecily Strong’s Dianne Feinstein.
The writers targeted Trump’s uneven reaction on gun control this past week: “Maybe no one is allowed to have a gun, not even the whites,” the SNL Trump blurts out at one point during the cold open, before quickly changing course. “The NRA gave me 30 million good reasons not to change a thing, so cha-ching, its over,” he immediately backtracks.
Those who don’t find that bit funny won’t likely be amused by the rest of the segment, which pokes fun at Hope Hicks resignation, the steel tariff uproar and the president confusing the fictional African nation of Wakanda from Black Panther as a real country. Watch it for yourself below.
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