John Leguizamo has written, directed and starred in enough projects for two years. The Bogotá-born, Jackson Heights–raised Latino polymath has always been confrontational. For over two and a half decades, Leguizamo has railed against Latinx stereotypes, with his entire collection of work rising from his frustration with always being cast as a drug dealer, gangster or hoodlum. But GQ writes that the actor is calmer now, and that’s because he thinks he’s found the answer, or the root of the problem, that he has been searching for his whole life: That Latin history has been kept from the American consciousness. But Leguizamo is going to bring it back. He’s going do do this by taking on politics, Republicans and education. In his sixth, critically acclaimed one-man show, Latin History for Morons, he makes the point that all the taunting and hate Latinx people face in America has the same message: You don’t belong in America. A running joke of the show is Leguizamo’s personal struggle to reconcile his confrontational street mentality with his desire to win hearts and minds, writes GQ.
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