The Only Way to Guarantee Your Naughty Home Movies Don’t Go Public

Maybe hold off on your next sex tape until you download this

February 14, 2017 9:00 am

Outside of, shall we say, talent-lacking fame seekers, a sex tape is not something you want in public. Enter Rumuki, a virtual condom for your sex tapes.

Rumuki (“room key” spoken in Japanese English, according to creator Nathan Kot) is a free app that keeps your boudoir escapades on serious lockdown. It’s simple to use: Both partners download the app. You create a private, encrypted video that is then “locked” with two virtual keys, one on each device.

The videos can’t be played unless permission is given on both devices. It’s kind of like the launch keys for nuclear missiles, but, uh, far sexier. Worried? You can throw away the key, locking the video forever. And the videos are never stored, tracked or sent to Rumuki’s servers.

Bad news? Only Apple fans are protected at the moment. Oh, and ironically, Rumuki doesn’t work if either phone “has their personal hotspot switched on.”

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