Secs Drive

By The Editors
December 4, 2012 9:00 am EST

If there were a movie made of your life, imagine all those important moments that would be revealed. Like, the birth of a child. Or that burrito. Remember that burrito? That was such a good burrito.

Here to help you capture all of that, from the innocuous to the sublime: the 1 Second Everyday app, just now getting Kickstarted.

From a former ad guy whose quarter-life crisis inspired him to record his daily wanderings, 1SE helps you capture one second of video every day and create that movie you’ve always wanted.

The app is simplicity itself: simply shoot something you want to remember — your son’s soccer game, sipping wine in Napa, etc. — then tap the calendar date to save.

Do it for a year, you’ve got about six minutes of playback.

Do it for a decade, you’ve got an hour-long retrospective.

You can even record different timelines, e.g., “One sinful year off,” “My receding hairline,” or “Our first child.”

This is you, the Criterion Classic edition.


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