When you were a child, you spoke as a child, understood as a child and thought as a child.
But somewhere along the line you became a man, and you put away childish things (or most of them, anyhow).
Today, let’s put pride aside and revisit one: the paper airplane.
Using a Parrot-powered drone frame fitted with motors and a camera as a base, the PowerUp FPV is a three-oz., fold-it-yourself paper plane that can fly for 10 minutes at a time and hit up to 20 MPH.
The PowerUp’s camera is the key to its ingenious control system: once you pair your smartphone with a Google cardboard viewer, you can fly the plane from a virtual reality-style first-person POV. Tilt your head, mini aircraft goes left. Tilt right, it goes right. Stumble and fall over, plane goes kaput.
“We’re bringing today’s technology to where it all began — paper airplanes — to create something truly remarkable,” says PowerUp CEO Shai Goitein. “We’re giving imagination real wings, and letting people experience flight in a way they only dreamed about.”
Granted, we never really pondered what it’d be like to sit in the cockpit of a paper airplane before, but now that it’s a possibility, the concept doesn’t seem half bad — especially for $200.
Just watch out for paper cuts.
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