The Future of Cabins Is Now

Escape: Gorgeous. Portable. The cabin redefined.

By The Editors
May 15, 2015 9:00 am EDT

Imagine your favorite backwoods hideaway.

Does it have oak hardwood floors? A master suite? Fireplace?

Is it modular? Customizable? Portable?

Assuming spirited nodding of the head, we present to you Escape, the handsome getaway cabin that goes wherever the trail takes you, now on sale.

Escape is the brainchild of Canoe Bay, the sporty Wisconsin resort where you can inspect (and stay the night in) one of these beautiful abodes before you buy.

Take note: It’s a couples-only resort. So round up a partner.

Your digs: a 400-square-foot luxury cottage classified as a “park model RV.” A classic stick-built home, if you will, only it’s atop a hefty steel frame on wheels.

The details are stunning: Clean Frank Lloyd-ian design nods. Cedar and pine wood. Full bath. Full-sized kitchen. Heated screened porch.

The grounds at Canoe Bay, even more so: 300 acres. Three private lakes. Organic gardens. Activities like kayaking, hiking and, as owner Dan George puts it, “that man-woman thing.”

So think of it as a 2-for-1: you get a romantic vacation. And you maaaaybe walk away with a new cabin — which, by the way, they’ll deliver to your location of choice.

Make it your new favorite hideaway place.

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