After 25 seasons, the iconic court TV show Judge Judy will be coming to an end next year. The show will wrap in 2021, but fans haven’t exactly been sentenced to life without the beloved judge: Judy Scheindlin will be back with a new show called Judy Justice the following year.
“I’ve had a 25-year-long marriage with CBS and it’s been successful. Next year will be our 25th season, silver anniversary,” Sheindlin told Ellen DeGeneres. “And CBS, I think, sort of felt they wanted to optimally utilize the repeats of my program because now they have 25 years of reruns. So what they decided to do was to sell a couple of years’ worth of reruns.”
“But I’m not tired, so Judy Justice will be coming out a year later,” she added. “Judge Judy, you’ll be able to see next year — a full year, all new shows. The following couple of years, you should be able to catch all the reruns that CBS has sold to the stations that are currently carrying Judge Judy, and Judy Justice will be going elsewhere. Isn’t that fun?”
CBS reportedly paid $100 million for the Judge Judy library, which consists of 5,200 episodes. Scheindlin isn’t exactly strapped for cash herself: in 2018, she was the world’s highest paid TV host, with $147 million in pretax income.
In 2019, the TV judge was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award at the 46th Annual Daytime Emmys.
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