
The InsideHook Newsletter.

News, advice and insights for the most interesting person in the room.

Upside to Toys ‘R’ Us Closing? Discounted Apple Products.

Related: Apparently iPods still exist. And you can buy one.

Here’s Why Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos Is Building a $42M Clock

You got a minute? Or 10,000 years? Cause this clock does.

The Toys of Winter

20 big-boy toys to help you conquer that mid-winter malaise

The 52 Coolest Products of 2017

Barrel saunas. Man trikes. Whiskey boots. Let's review.

Pebbles and Twigs Are No Match for This Land Rover Defender

There are toys, then there's the TRX-4 Scale and Trail Crawler

Your Favorite Classic Car, Remade as a Go-Kart

Do you have a kid? Do you want to spoil them?

Think You Can Handle a Street-Legal Power Wheel?

60% of a standard Jeep for 10% of the price

So Aston Martin Made a Soapbox Racer

The name's Bond. Junior. James Bond Junior.

Toothpick Crossbows Are Some Seriously Medieval Sh*t

Great, now I have to build another tiny shield

You Know You Want to Build a Tiny Wooden City

The world isn't flat. Your jigsaw puzzle shouldn't be, either.

A Toy Car Built for the Teething Billionaire in Your Life

Anyone know how to get spit up out of Italian leather?