French purveyor of luxurious leather goods, Hermès, has always been at the top of every woman’s list when it comes to picking their ideal handbag. Namely, there’s the Birkin, available in every form of precious material under the sun like crocodile and ostrich and still said to have a years-long waiting list. But in recent seasons, the storied brand — which got its start as the go-to source for high-quality equestrian gear — has made a strong effort to appeal to the less-fair sex, and their equally matched appetite for elevated everyday essentials. This includes a fleet of male-centric boutiques, including one located at 690 Madison Ave. in Manhattan, which has been overhauled into a record store for this weekend only.
The exhibit, located throughout the shop’s four floors, is filled with turntables, shelves and boxes stacked with rare LPs, and record sleeves all inspired by the Hermès suite of unmistakable silk scarves and ties designed by Monsieur Goineau. For those that don’t remember the days of vinyl, there are cassette tapes adorned with the designs too. Both can be easily loaded into an adjacent player and listened to on a pair of leather-wrapped headphones. Each tune, and its corresponding design, are linked to a runway show soundtrack from the last eight years of men’s collections, and, of course, can be purchase on-site as the perfect accessory to any formal outfit — day or night.
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