Like the Idea of Your Own Portable Campfire? Of Course You Do.

Load this. Light. Grunt like caveman.

April 4, 2017 9:00 am EDT

Going camping without a campfire is like doing Super Bowl Sunday without the television.

It’s just not the same.

But drought conditions in places from Texas to California have thrown sand on open flames, while off-grid camping in the soft-soiled Appalachians or in rocky areas where fires can damage wildlife also makes campfires prohibative. But you can light one here with a proper pit.

Kamoto OpenFire Pit (3 images)

In such cases, Kamoto’s OpenFire Pit is what you need: a standalone structure that holds the fire above ground in a powder coated, stainless steel structure. It’s collapsible and easy to carry, and its shape provides for both wind resistance and a level spot for a grill.

Because cooking over open flame is another one of the reasons you’re out there.

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