Google Maps Can’t Help You Parallel Park, But It Will Help Find You a Spot

Turns out getting there is the easy part

January 26, 2017 9:00 am EST

As New Yorkers, we know Google Maps can be a bit optimistic about travel times (even if warp drive existed, our morning commute will never take 14 minutes).

But now, the service going to get a little more real, thanks to a new feature that factors in parking conditions at your destination.

Starting with 25 U.S. cities, users will begin seeing new Google Maps icons suggesting “limited,” “medium” and “easy” parking based on historical data, compiled in a similar way to Google’s “Popular times and visit duration” info for restaurants and venues.

While the lack of real-time information is disappointing (a Waze-like community service would be preferable, if not technically possible at the moment), this new feature should offer some travel assistance.

But still. Tack on 15 minutes to whatever it suggests.


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