Hand-Truck Furniture: The Best Way to Save Your Back on Moving Day

When creativity and laziness collide

By The Editors
May 8, 2017 9:00 am EDT

Modular furniture: It’s all the rage these days, and not always strictly for the futuristic, tech-minded homeowner.

Sometimes it’s hand trucks, for instance.

Chinese design studio CL3 and New York-based architectural firm Lim + Liu have designed an exclusive line of furniture built essentially on the professional mover’s favorite tool. The movable range was created for the College of Architecture, Art and Urbanism at Cornell University.

Which makes sense. It appears like you’d have to be strapping young collegiate to wheel this furniture around. The aesthetic is a little young for the average grown man we know, but if you value your back over interior design, it may not bother you too much.

With the attached wheels and rounded metal legs, the furniture is designed to be wheeled around easily and stationed comfortably. Included is a coffee table, cabinet and couch that can also be positioned upright to sit one person.

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