Study: Americans Spend Largest Amount of Time With TV

It's still more effective than social media for some advertisers

Watching television with beer, chips and remote control
Think Americans spend more time with social media than TV? A new study says otherwise.

We live in an era of screens large and small, of Netflix productions playing movie theaters and high-profile shows being created in concise episodic formats. It’s a time of change, experimentation and innovation, and one where it seems like everything is in flux.

Though maybe not everything. New findings from this year’s Media Comparisons Study suggest that the classics still have a pretty solid foothold in the mind of American audiences: “Local broadcast TV, both on-air and digital, when compared to other media, maintained its position as the top medium for consumers.”

The study’s results make a solid case for television — particularly broadcast television — as the place to go for advertisers. Other relevant data includes this breakdown of time spent with various forms of media:

Adults 18+ spent 5 hours and 17 minutes with television daily. The next closest medium was social media at 1 hour and 6 minutes, followed by radio (1:01) and email (1:00).

It’s something that might seem surprising, though there’s plenty of evidence to back this up — including the ever-higher cost of ads during the Super Bowl.

Also in the study’s results: Evidently, ads on television carry more weight than ads from elsewhere when it comes to purchasing decisions. They’re 63% percent more influential than social media, three times more than direct mail and a whopping seven times more than radio. It’s a fascinating reminder of television’s influence on the country — and why related issues, like concerns over television ownership consolidation, matter so much.

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