Women are complex creatures. (I know. I’m one of them.)
According to a new website called OMGYES, this complexity extends to the bedroom.
The site aims to demystify various taboos surrounding the female orgasm via a series of long and short form videos and interactive content designed to help users explore new techniques and increase pleasure.
While the putative target audience is women, approximately half of OMGYES’s current base of 40k users are male. The content constitutes neither porn nor clinical information; rather, it includes unique videos of real women explaining how they orgasm and touchable technology to help users “practice” techniques.
Curious? So were we. Here’s what we found.
How does it work?
First, you “pick your pleasure” from an array of options that include Orbiting, Hinting, Consistency, Surprise, Rhythm, Multiples, Accenting, Framing, Layering, Staging and Signaling — yes, female orgasm is as complicated as you always thought it to be. Each option has a corresponding episode in which real women explain a technique and the prompt users to utilize touchable technology (actually touching parts of your tablet or smartphone) to practice until the process is perfected.
So, can you give me an example?
Sure. Take “Edging,” which the site dubs “The Joy Of Withholding” and likens to approaching the promised land and then extending your trip. Repeatedly nearing orgasm (but preventing it before it happens) builds longer, more intense orgasms for 65.5% of women.
Will I actually learn anything?
In each episode, the women have collaborated with engineers to create a coded model of their preferences, reactions and sensitivities: this recorded audio feedback is played as you interact with the simulation to help you fine-tune a technique. Practice makes perfect.
OK, I’m listening. What’s the catch?
As you might have suspected, coaching like this doesn’t come free. Season One of OMGYES is $29 and includes 12 episodes packed with insights you can try immediately, 50 short videos, 11 touchable videos and other content. The first season focuses primarily on external stimulation. Future subjects include penetration techniques and angles, how pleasure changes after childbirth and how pleasure changes after menopause.
Buy it for yourself. Or your partner.
Either way, it’s the gift that keeps on giving.
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