Because every man must dress himself, and sometimes even leave the house wearing pants, we present “Ask Danny Agnew” — a series that answers your questions regarding all matters vestiary, and recurs whenever he gets around to it. Have a query? Email it to
What’s the deal with puffy vests and suits? Is this kosher?
– Carlos Roth, New York, NY
Do they satisfy the requirements of Jewish law? Who knows. Can they be stylish? Yes, but with a couple caveats: first, the vest goes under the jacket. Vests are shorter than blazers, and short over long is kind of a sloppy look. Second, the vest shouldn’t be too puffy. Both Moncler1 and Canada Goose2 have slim-fitting versions, and Lands’ End’s standard 600-Fill3 is solid for the budget. Third, you should probably take it off once you get to the office.
My dilemma: I feel like I’ve got more than enough clothes, but when it comes time to get dressed in the morning I’m stuck for ideas. Any help?
– Andy Woodward, Chicago, IL
I have this exact same problem — mo’ wardrobe, mo’ indecision, as they say (they don’t actually say that). I suggest Instagram. I follow a variety of fellows whose sartorial sensibilities I respect, and frequently I’ll run through their photos for inspiration. Our pals over at @alexandernashnyc4 have great suit style. @articlesofstyle5 has beaucoup urban looks dressed both up and down. @rule_of_thumbs6 does churched-up West Coast with aplomb. And @topodesigns7 has that outdoorsman game on lock.
That said: it’s not so much about copying a look outright, but more finding concepts that can be slightly reinterpreted with pieces from your own closet. Try it — you’ll be wearing your gear in all new ways in no time.
I’ve got a couple beach getaways coming up (one’s a wedding) and am struggling on the footwear front. Leather flip flops? Birkenstocks? Please advise.
– Vikash Chowdhry, San Francisco, CA
I do not endorse sandals for men, flip flops in particular. I can count, on three fingers, the number of guys I know who take good care of their dogs, and thus I do not believe the male foot should be foisted on the viewing public any more than it has to be. A Sperry Gold Cup boater8 is tough to beat for comfort and versatility and Alice & Whittles9 make great espadrilles, but my go-to remains the Sabah10. Exceedingly durable, more comfortable the more you wear them, and you can totally dress them up or down — I wore a leopard print pair all over the Cannes Film Festival both with suits and shorts and got compliments throughout.
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