Lingerie Buying Guide. C’mon In.

For her. But mostly for you.

By The Editors
February 2, 2015 9:00 am EST

Valentine’s Day, like a heart-shaped Death Star, looms.

Maybe you celebrate it. Maybe you don’t. Maybe this fully operational battle station once blew up your marriage. We don’t know, friend.

But regardless, we found a merry way for you to observe this sainted occasion’s passing: our 2015 Lingerie Buying Guide.

Inside: what to buy and for which kind of lady.

But before you dive into the frilly stuff, some romantic pro forma:

First, know what she likes.

Every lady prefers a type of jewelry; so too with lingerie. Flatter her tastes and she’ll flatter you.

Second, know her size. The wrong size sends the wrong message.

Third, know whether she’s comfortable with demure or daring.

For that last part, we illustrated your choices on a chart.

Charts might not be sexy, but it has you covered.

And her, barely.


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