An On-Demand Insurance App? We’re Listening …

So easy to use, a millennial can do it

April 27, 2016 9:00 am EDT

In terms of things we enjoy doing, having to deal with an insurance agent ranks somewhere between DMV with a broken A/C unit and getting a novacaine-free root canal.

Don’t you wish you could just tap a couple smartphone buttons and be done with it.

‘Course you do. Hence: Trov, an Aussie insurance service that allows customers to insure personal property in seconds via a few swipes of an iPhone app.

Sorry, Jake. It’s been real. Sick khakis, though.

After indicating the item you’d like to insure, Trov offers you a quote for protection. Once activated, you can toggle your policy on and off with a simple swipe — claims are filed the same way, or via text.

In addition to saving time, Trov also lets users insure an item for as short or as long a period as they want — e.g., a bike during an off-roading trip or an Xbox controller during a Madden tournament.

The service, which received $25.5 million in Series C funding before launching, plans to eventually head to the U.S. and parts farther afoot, and anticipates that millennials (who own devices and gear instead of houses and cars and consider on-demand service a birthright) will find the platform especially useful.

The service has already added more than 940,000 insurable items and updates are available here.

So easy to use, a millennial can do it.


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