Safety First

By The Editors
May 7, 2012 9:00 am EDT

The internet’s a blessing — you can find info on anyone — and a curse: anyone can find info on you. Don’t fear that evil, with

Designed to keep “abusive ex-boyfriends, stalkers, identity thieves, and creeps” from accessing your private data, Safe Shepherd scans for web sites that publish your personal info — e.g., the info you see when you search for someone’s name — and deletes those records from existence.

To protect yourself, simply enter your basic info (full name, zip code, email) and Safe Shepherd will reveal infringing sites then prompt you to delete the data. Common name? They’ll sniff out the real you if you provide more info, like prior addresses.

Because some sites require proof of identity to have your records removed, SafeShepherd will even send snail mail and/or certified letters on your behalf. Simply upload a photo of your state-issued ID; Safe Shepherd will block out your license number, then use the ID to prove your identity.

Safe Shepherd’s basic service is free. Their premium service, which removes 50+ records, is typically $14 — but they’re providing a limited number of free, one-year accounts to InsideHook members. Simply enter the discount code “InsideHook” when you subscribe.

Now you can get all the internet’s blessings, with none of the internet’s identity theft.


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