Art imitates life, life imitates art, and somewhere along the lines, our workaday routines got in the mix.
Hence this Damascus steel number from Oregon brand William Henry, creators of a rather opulent collection that pays tribute to the great fantasy fiction artist Frank Frazetta. The legendary and genre-defining work he did for book series like Conan left an estate that has been embroiled in tumult since his passing in 2010. But on a more uplifting — though no less costly — note is this $75,000 interpretation of the late artist’s 1972 painting of the same name, Silver Warrior.
What is there to say, really? For the life of me, I can not think of a cooler purchase. You could coast on that story about the time you bought a near $100k knife inlaid with polar bears for the rest of your life and still be the most self-assured, effortlessly cool person in the room. (Seriously, you buy this, call me.)
By Luxatic’s measure, the price tag could mean the knife is among the five most expensive knives of all time. Casual!
What goes into the price tag? Inlaid sapphires, 24-karat gold, untold hours of man labor, and the weight of the history of every fictional hero you could think of.
Bet it whittles like a dream.
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