Before you get too excited about the prospect of owning a Jameson-dispensing coin-operated vending machine, we have some good news and some bad news.
The good: it exists. The bad: it only takes 1960s-80s 10p Irish coins.
Likely designed for use during traditional Irish lock-ins as a way to skirt serving laws, the Nightender was built in 1971 and, in the words of its owner, is “the single greatest party trick ever invented by our restless and entrepreneurial species.” The machine — which has a pair of taps that each pour 1.3-ounce shots — is one of only 200 that were built, and is somehow still in its original packaging after being buried in a warehouse.
Priced around $870, the 27-inch-tall spirits shooter is still available and will ship worldwide.
Sing a song of tenpence, a glass full of rye.
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