Measure of Success

By The Editors
June 17, 2014 9:00 am EDT

So it turns out the true measure of a man is … Facebook.

Introducing Five Labs: a free site that instantly analyzes your Facebook posts (Boring status updates! Political snarks! Baby pics!) then compares your personality to that of your friends and the world’s most famous people.

The analysis is surprisingly accurate: Five Labs maps your psyche to the Big Five personality traits — extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness.

It all takes about one second.

Once you’re analyzed, you’re ascribed various traits (restless, solitary, spontaneous) and a five-sided polygon visualization of who you really are.

This is how your correspondent compares to Mark Zuckerberg:

Turns out, yours truly is more Bill Gates (read: introverted) than Zucky. Also, a bit more Jennifer Lawrence than Gandhi, somehow exactly as open as Lil’ Wayne, and a near personality match for Napster co-founder Sean Parker.

Psychology for the win.


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