When we saw someone had taken the trouble to calculate the 10 most expensive cities to buy a round of drinks are, we figured it would prove useful.
Then we saw the survey’s conductors (a team from Honest Coffees) and their definition of a “round” of drink: one beer, one coffee, one bottle of water and one Coke. That’s not a round of drinks. That’s a college student’s survival pack for an all-nighter at the library.
While it’s mildly helpful to know a “PG” round would cost the most in Paris ($18), what we — and everyone else ever — had hoped to find out is what city charges the most for four R-rated drinks.
So we got out our abacuses, converted some currency and, voila, here are the actual 10 most expensive cities to buy a round of four beers:
- Dubai ($46.18)
- Hong Kong ($32.24)
- Paris ($32.29)
- New York ($32.03)
- Singapore ($31.66)
- Chicago ($27.45)
- Melbourne ($26.87)
- London ($26.24)
- Tokyo ($24.77)
- Los Angeles and Sydney ($24.72)
Next time we see you in Dubai, drinks are on you.
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