Here’s Some Bottled Artisanal Weed Juice, Because California

Maybe there's something to this juice craze after all

April 5, 2018 9:00 am EDT

At what point, if ever, will society allow cannabis to shake off its greasy stoner stigma and admit that it’s actually kind of … attractive?

That’s truer now than ever, as a generation of THC-peddling startups turn to smart branding and elegant packaging to woo a new kind of indulger: think less patchouli and serapes, more Dior Homme and a Barbour jacket.

And the company best-positioned to corner that market might be California’s Monk Provisions, makers of medicinal cannabis beverages so pretty and well-styled they’d look right at home as the lead story of a Refinery29 newsletter. And it’s clean stuff, too, free of the synthetic ingredients commonly found in edibles.

Only available in some states, the drinking botanicals come three different potencies and five flavors, with blends like orange peel, rosemary and lemon, and ginger, maple and apple shrub. Yum. They also offer an introductory sampler set to help you home in on your buzz of choice.

You might even find a favorite for that certain someone you wish would take a chill pill. As the brand likes to say, their products are “approachable, predictable and gentle.”

If that doesn’t qualify it for a spot next to the Metamucil, we don’t know what will.

Monk Provisions is currently available in dispensaries throughout California. Check in with your local budtender to get your hands on a bottle.



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