Noir. But Sexier. With a Better Soundtrack.

September’s best movies, books, TV and music

By The Editors
September 1, 2015 9:00 am EDT

Because you don’t have time to find your horizons (let alone broaden them), we give you Meanwhile Elsewhere: InsideHook’s essential guide to cultural happenings. Also: don’t forget to check out our roundup of the month’s best new tunes on Spotify. Enjoy.

LISTEN: Silversun Pickups

On their fourth album, Better Nature, the L.A. quartet moves to their own record label — which meant doing some amazingly weird shit to fund the recording (private drum lessons via Skype and customized night lights, for starters). But even in independence, the music remains the same: a mix of swirling guitars and soft-loud-soft dynamics that evoke the best of the alt-rock ‘90s. Oh, and the video for first single “Nightlight” is a sexy, noir-ish thriller(Sept. 25)

READ: The Big Bad Book of Bill Murray
Subtitled “A Critical Appreciation of the World’s Finest Actor,” author Robert Schnakenberg’s new tome examines every film in the iconic performer’s canon in an encyclopedic A-Z format — while dropping some juicy trivia along the way (did you know he did Garfield because he thought it was a Coen Bros. film?) Also includes assorted wacky behind-the-scenes pics and, no joke, the best Bill Murray fan art. (Sept. 15)

WATCH: Black Mass
You’ll hear a lot about this being Johnny Depp’s comeback (unless you loved Mortdecai). And it’s true: Depp, a vet at playing charismatic criminals (Donnie Brasco, Blow, Public Enemies) fully inhabits the role of Boston gangster “Whitey” Bulger, a sociopath who’s also an FBI informant on the side. (Sept. 18)

BINGE: You’re the Worst
It’s fall TV season, and among the dreck (John Stamos is … a grandfather!), there’s some promise — the late night return of Stephen Colbert, the debut of Trevor Noah on The Daily Show, a final hurrah for The League and one guilty pleasure conspiracy thriller called Blindspot (think Prison Break + The Bourne Identity + naked Jaimie Alexander from Thor). But can we make a plea? FXX’s acerbic, brutally honest You’re the Worst is the best comedy on TV. It’s returning after a year and needs viewers. Be one. (Sept. 9)

Get outta town:
NYC to Barcelona for under $500
NYC to Portland for under $320


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