Tonight you drink with the jackelopes.
Welcome to the Sportsman’s Club, a boozy homage to hunting clubs of yore, now slinging top-shelf cocktails in the Ukrainian Village.
Housed in a former Polish tavern, Sportman’s original art deco bar has been gussied up with a reel-to-reel tape player and more taxidermy than you can shake an animal rights activist at.
Behind the bar: Wade McElroy and Jeff Donahue, who’ve poured for the likes of the Trenchermen, Barrelhouse Flat and The Aviary.
Armed with an amaro machine, they’re putting together a solid menu of forward-thinking house cocktails alongside Chi classics. (Old Style with a shot of bourbon? Always.)
A few suggestions:
You’re On the Hunt For: An aperitif. Something to keep you light on your feet.
You Should Try: An Absinthe Frappe, made with simple syrup and lemon. Kicks like a mule despite its low profile. Absinthe’ll do that.
You’re On the Hunt For: Something a little heavier. For the twilight hour.
You Should Try: A Rum Negroni. Strong. Contains Vermouth and Campari. Zissou approves.
You’re On the Hunt For: Big game. Lots of flavor. Questionable sobriety.
You Should Try: Their signature Sportsman cocktail: amaro, tart cherry and absinthe. Will warm your soul and steady the hand.
Happy hunting.
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