10 Hotels From Famous Movies You Can Actually Stay In

Hey, who's up for a recreation of ‘The Shining’?!

February 8, 2017 9:00 am EST

Turns out the glamorous Hollywood lifestyle is an affordable click away.

A new infographic by VoucherCloud lists 10 of the best hotels from the big screen you can actually stay in. What’s more is that, with one exception, they’re fairly affordable and accessible.

A few standouts:

Ocean’s Eleven: Go Instagram that silhouetted fountain shot already. Basic rooms at the legendary Vegas casino/hotel go for as low as $169 per night.

The Shining: Timberline Lodge in Oregon only served as the exterior for the Stanley Kubrick film (the interior, shot in on a soundstage, actually defied the laws of physics). Fun fact: room #217 is the most requested room in the hotel, but it’s only featured in the Stephen King novel, not the movie itself. Just $249 for a double room per night.

Lost in Translation: The five-star Park Hyatt hotel in Tokyo was the setting for the majority of Sofia Coppola’s film, including the bar, swimming pool, lobby and bedrooms. It’s $448 for a double room per night; Bill Murray and/or Scarlett Johannson not included.

Also included in the infographic: the Dirty Dancing family resort (under $100) and a full Pretty Woman package at the Beverly Wilshire that starts at $809 and goes up to $100K if you want to recreate the movie’s iconic scenes and stay in a presidential suite (minus a Julia Roberts dalliance, natch).

Still, the infographic doesn’t quite cover every hotel you’ve seen in film: For instance, the stunning, remote Juvet Hotel from Ex Machina is available to rent for around $400 per night (it’s in Norway). And before you ask: The Grand Budapest Hotel was filmed/inspired by a department store along with some famous hotels in Eastern Europe (you can find a good overview of those here).

If you’re looking for Indiana Jones’ childhood home, Frankenstein’s Oakley Park or the inn from The Hauntingwe’ve got you covered there, too.



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