Rowing Blazers has made sort of a habit of teaming up with iconic brands and producing stuff that makes me go, “Please just take all my money.” From making Shaggy Dog sweaters with American preppy stalwarts J. Press to Sperry to Beams Plus and even Wall Street banker bags, the young brand knows what labels and artists will work with their aesthetic and they haven’t really gotten any of their decisions wrong.

So it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that when Rowing Blazers announced they were teaming up with Lands’ End for a collection of rugby shirts and gym bags, pretty much anybody that grew up in the ’80s or ’90s felt something deep in their nostalgic hearts. Sure, Lands’ End has remained solid over the years (big fan of their puffer vests and also love their flannel shirts), but you don’t see the brand’s name being mentioned along with other companies that might have been popular in your parents’ mud room in 1991 that have found new fame in the 21st century. Think L.L. Bean duck boots and Patagonia fleece: all the kids are looking to score those things. Why aren’t they lining up to get Lands’ End?

Hopefully that will all change with this new collection between the two brands. The classic Lands’ End tag is on the inside, with its tag team partner right above it, giving it a new classic feel that I’m guessing will sell out pretty fast. If Lands’ End is hoping teaming up with a cool, irreverent brand like Rowing Blazers will help get it some attention, well, I hope they succeed. This is a really great looking little collection, and the pride of Dodgeville, Wisconsin (that’s Lands’ End, in case you didn’t know) deserves a little love.

The new collection is now available on the Rowing Blazers website. Rugby shirts go for $95 and bags for the same price.

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