“Straight people need to come out of the closet, too.”
Words of one Dan Savage, perhaps the foremost advocate of open, frank conversation about sex in America.
What he means: stop repressing your desires, no matter your orientation. The sooner we start having more honest conversations about sex, the sooner we’ll start having better sex.
And better sex equals a healthier, happier man.
So start that conversation right here, with us, today, by way of our 2016 Sex Survey.
Inside: 15 brief but poignant questions about what men in America collectively desire in the boudoir.
Later this month, we’ll collate them in a piece that we hope will illustrate just how normal your deepest secrets probably are.
Whether you’re looking to get into shape, or just get out of a funk, The Charge has got you covered. Sign up for our new wellness newsletter today.