These Boot Laces Are Built to Withstand Forest Fires, Machetes

They can also tow a car.

August 16, 2017 9:00 am EDT

Stepping into a forest fire means facing temperatures upwards of 600 degrees.

And while firefighters dress themselves cap-a-pie in fireproof clothes and boots, one thing still melts: their shoelaces.

So two Florida firefighters developed a proprietary shoelace material that keeps your boots cinched no matter what they endure: extreme temperatures, abrasions and all manner of routine wear and tear.

They’re called Rhino Laces, and if you’ve ever replaced your boot laces (your correspondent does this at least once a year), you should thing about picking some up.

rhino laces (2 images)

“One of the materials woven into our inner core gives Rhino Laces additional tensile strength,” says  Lucas Taylor of the Rhino Laces development team. “The heat resistance is the same type of material that was used to suspend the Mars rover from its parachute system during its entry and landing on the Martian surface. Regular 550 parachute cord wouldn’t cut it for that application, and the same technology is now incorporated into Rhino Laces.”

The gun-metal-tipped laces cost $29 a pair, but we can’t imagine you’ll need to reup often. Video demonstrations include setting one on fire (it quickly flickers out) and hacking one with a machete (to no avail).

They also donate a pair to active servicemen (and women) for every pair sold.

If you’re ready to lace up your boots fo the last time, pick some up.


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