The question we might ask this time of year: WWJD?
As in, what would Jesus drink?
If you’re the Cremisan Wine Estate, you have a pretty good guess.
The winery, founded by Salesian monks in 1880s near Bethlehem, makes vino using regional grapes — which, as VinePair notes, might be the type of grapes that made the wine that Jesus drank (then again, they’ve previously mentioned that figuring out exactly what wine was being consumed at that time is tricky).
These grapes — red Baladi grapes and Hamdani, Jandali and Dabouki white grapes — are indigenous to the region. The vineyard makes a Star of Bethlehem red, as well as a sweet white wine and a brandy.
The wines, which are about 11-13 euros, are available here.
Photos: Cremisan Wine Estate
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