Why Does Chuck Norris Love This Sprawling Circular Home?

Because it's a ... roundhouse. We'll show ourselves the door.

May 11, 2017 9:00 am EDT

So what happens when you tackle “an exercise in making as little house as possible”? This. And it is beautiful.  

It’s part of what’s essentially a Disney World for architects called “Solo Houses”: residences designed by hot up-and-coming firms and built in Matarraña, Spain. Blink and it looks (a lot) like Southern California. 

circular house (6 images)

This “Solo Houses” piece is the product of OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen, a Belgian firm. The footprint of the residence only takes up a tiny sliver of the 90,000-square-meter lot — it’s 550 square meters, or about 6,000 square feet. The building is circular, with interior spaces marked off by glass walls beneath the round roof. In the middle is a patio and pool. The only thing we don’t like? Those curtains, which look like they were picked up at IKEA and hung without seeing the underside of an iron. Otherwise: Somebody put it on Airbnb so we can book ourselves a stay. 


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