Ferrari. Gucci. Vespa. Armani. Maserati … We could keep going.
Italian design is synonymous with seamlessly blending form and function into packages that are meant to be seen as much as they are used.
Today’s case in point: a striking “platterless” record player from Pavia-based design team Audio Deva.
In order to eliminate any potential glitches caused by vinyl spinning the way it’s been spun since, well, forever, Audio Deva’s engineers created a turntable that functions using just a carbon fiber tonearm, low-torque motor, screw-on cap and pre-fitted Audio Technica 95 MM cartridge.
The lack of a platter on the Atmo Sfera leaves records seemingly spinning as they turn needle into noise.
ATMO SFERA™ Platterless Turntable2:07
The futuristic table is on Kickstarter and about one third of the project’s $45k goal has already been raised. A pledge of a little more than $1,000 will net you one of the beauts, and they should start shipping out in September.
Shipping is free.
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