Affairs of the Art

By The Editors
September 5, 2012 9:00 am EDT
Affairs of the Art

Over the years, your tastes can change in everything from wine to women, which is why it takes a while for folks to appreciate something like, say, a bottle of Austrian Gelbar Muskateller, or divorce. For your changing tastes in art, check out Artsicle and Art in a Box — two services that let you expand your artistic horizons without making a life-long commitment.


From a former Institute of Contemporary Art worker and, randomly, a nuclear engineer, Artsicle lets you rent the art you love for $25 and up per month.

Simply search the site based on criteria (i.e. size and shape…) or play “Discovery Games” to figure out which art would fit best in your home. From there, Artsicle will create your profile — e.g., “you have a modern style; we see minimalist artwork with a soft spot for hard lines and natural material in your future” — and suggest art to rent. You can keep the stuff you love, with most pieces selling outright for about $750-$1500.

Art in a Box

Like a CSA but for “art instead of wine or vegetables,” AIAB mails art to your door. To get started, simply hit the site and provide a few basic details, e.g., three adjectives that describe your style (“modern,” “morbid,” “cheeseburger”) and the types of artistic mediums you like/dislike (e.g. “I loathe ceramics”). From there, you’ll receive one new piece of art that fits your profile and into a 11”x17”x3” box, be it a print, drawing, painting, or, in some cases, multi-part sculptures that are designed to be put together, IKEA-like, by the subscriber.

Subscriptions are currently $50 per box, with options to receive new works monthly, quarterly or whatever fits your inscrutably arty lifestyle.


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