Pop-up shops are like blues musicians, gamblers and carneys: here one day, gone tomorrow.
Though it’s the first one of them we’ve seen, the same can be said for drop-down shops as well.
As part of a promo for extreme materials firm 37.5 Technology, the Cliffside Shop was literally constructed on the side of a mountain in Colorado outside Boulder at an altitude of 300 feet.
Filled with useful gear like hoodies, socks, jackets and fleeces, all the items in the Cliffside Shop were free for the 70 or so climbers who made it up to the installation, they just had to get there.
“Because they’re a dime a dozen — they’ve become an ad trope — how do you really do something so extreme and unusual and fitting for the brand that it gets noticed,” Matt Talbot, the creative director of the firm that designed the 6′ x 10′ shop, told AdWeek. “We had to push it, and the client had to support it.”
For the two days day the shop was open for business, 11-year climbing ranger and VP of Commercial and Military Sales at 37.5 Technology Dave Bywater was manning the window.
We’d say he’s got “Employee of the Month” sewn up.
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