Used to be, the occasional shirt would do a stint as a tourniquet.
Errant bullet. Bar fight. Failed knife trick.
Otherwise, shirts were shirts. Lifesaving but a dream.
How times — and shirts — have changed:
Meet OMsignal, the “biometric smart shirt” debuting today at the Westfield mall downtown.
Your regular T-shirt?
Can’t text your wife when you’re stressed.
Your regular T-shirt?
Can’t send an alert when your heart rate freaks out.
OMsignal can do all that and more: Track calories. Chart your breathing rate and depth. And, of course, it can count your steps.
It’s like wearing a giant, all-knowing, machine-washable Fitbit — one that transmits data gathered by the fabric to your iPhone (sorry, Android) via a “little black box” worn in concert with it.
Get a bunch at tonight’s “grand opening celebration,” use them as your daily tees, and you’re one step closer to total fitness and perfect knowledge of all those previously unquantifiable metrics that make up your dataset. Er, body.
Just remember to turn off notifications to your wife.
Some things are best left unsaid.
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