Cocktail Quarterly

By The Editors
February 10, 2014 9:00 am EST

In the winter, nothing’ll warm you like a woman’s love.

But failing that, whiskey.

Also: Buttered rum. Brandy. Mulled wine. All good substitutes.

And so we’ve included recipes featuring each in this: the winter volume of our Cocktail Quarterly, also known as the let’s-just-stay-inside-and-drink edition.

Enclosed: beverages devised by some of our favorite barkeeps to keep you nipping amid these nippy, polar vortexed climes of ours.

Plus: your guide to stocking the perfect home bar, courtesy Julian Cox, head mixologist at some of the best watering holes in LA — ironically, the one place where it’s not positively Antarctic right now.

So take a peek inside, locate your potable of choice and get to mixing.

And if you can’t find a woman’s love, hey — you’ll always have ours.

Happy imbibing,



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