21 ‘Grams: March

Bikini models. Daredevils. Foodstuffs. Let's review.

March 31, 2017 9:00 am EDT

Gallery openings. Wildflower hikes. Lunch.

Those were among the occasions that brought us together this March.

And the people of Los Angeles were there — Ansel Adams-like — not only to experience it, but also to Instagram it.

Herein: 21 heart-thrumming pics of the month that was, as shot, filtered and captioned by our city’s best photographers.

God bless the first days of bikini season.

Because these poppy blooms have an expiration date. Call it clockwork orange.

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Because Tony Ousler’s dark thoughts make for much ogling and chin-stroking.

A post shared by roobonics (@reubenbrody) on

Because we all need to take risks.

Because the BäcoShop is probably the best lunch innovation since sliced bread. Actually.

A post shared by monica h. (@mocaisaloca) on

Because that’s not a mirage — it’s Desert X.

From our friends at Mercedes-Benz®

Because when you drive the all-new GLC Coupe, you park it where everyone can see it.

A post shared by Conrad Men’s (@conradmens) on

Because you should not only stop to smell the flowers, you should buy them for someone, too.

A post shared by Vivianne Lapointe (@ladyshark) on

Because she’s not going anywhere — that’s an illusion, and you can find it at the 14th Factory.

A post shared by Surfline (@surfline) on

Because bikini season is nigh, and a dish best served in Malibu.

A post shared by Lyon Herron (@lyon_herron) on

Because we all have a cross to bear. And some of us are taking that way too literally.

Got up at the ass crack of dawn to show my ass crack at dawn #superbloom

A post shared by Pascale (@pascys_pics) on

Because we all sometimes have to get up at the ass-crack of dawn. And some of us are taking that way too literally.

A post shared by Esters Wine (@esterswine) on

Because this sandwich and your correspondent share a name.

“Not an Object” – DTLA ART WALK #dtlaartwalk #dtla #dtlalyfe #art #calligraphy

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Because the DTLA Art Walk has been at this whole organize and demonstrate thing since way before it was cool.

Because the woman knows her desserts — as evidenced by her picks in this month’s Table Stakes.

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Because it’s L.A.’s best new menswear shop, and they recently curated five easy pieces for you to wear.

Because after a wet winter, we’re berry excited for spring.

A post shared by Tillys (@tillys) on

Because there’s a house of mirrors in the desert, and you should go admire (yourself in) it.

A post shared by Debo (@debodoes) on

Because the sun also rises.

A post shared by DOMINIQUE FUNG (@dominiquefung) on

Because yes, that’s a near-exact replication of the bedroom in 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Because it’s been way too long since we heard a little Black Rebel Motorcycle Club.

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Because the best place to see the stars in Hollywood isn’t on a TMZ bus.


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