7 Ways to Prepare for Life’s Unforeseeable Moments

You’ll never see these little disasters coming, but you can still be ready for them

November 2, 2022 1:24 pm EDT
7 Ways to Prepare for Life’s Unforeseeable Moments
Gabriel Serrano

In partnership with Safelite®

The old saying goes, “expect the unexpected,” but there’s always something you just never see coming. Some things, like natural disasters or sudden layoffs, are what you might call “known unknowns.” As in, you know they might happen, and you prepare just in case they do. But there are unforeseen, everyday mishaps lurking out there too. What if your water heater suddenly goes kaput just in time for winter? Or if you lose your wallet. And what if a rock hits your windshield? Brutal. But at least if that happens, a catchy jingle implanted deep in your brain might remind you that you can get your windshield fixed easily at Safelite. You were prepared for the moment without even realizing you were. So how do you apply that same preparedness to other unforeseeable inconveniences? That’s what we’re going to help you answer right now.

You lock yourself out of your house

We all know this feeling: You’re rushing out of the house, you slam the door shut and then stop dead in your tracks. Yup, you’ve locked yourself out — and you’re screwed. The solution here is to always keep a good local locksmith’s number handy, get a high-quality fake rock for key hiding or do what we do and give a spare set of keys to a trusted neighbor. You’ll be prepared, and you’ll be forced to make a friend, which, let’s face it, you could probably use.

You lose your wallet

Whether it fell out during your commute, or you were pickpocketed while posing for a photo with a guy in a bootleg mascot suit, you now have to worry about identity theft — which is a nightmare to rectify. Technology is your friend here: Use an e-wallet for most purchases and carrying plane tickets and such. Use leather only to carry cash, which would still suck to lose, but not as much as your identity. And please, carry your wallet anywhere besides your back pocket. 

Gabriel Serrano

Your wedding ring falls down the drain

You do not want to be the one to break this news to your partner, trust us. But if you do lose that ring — or something equally important to you descends into the infinite void that is a drainpipe — there is a way out of this jam. It would be nice to know how to retrieve it without flooding your bathroom, and fortunately YouTube has revolutionized our collective DIY abilities. At the very least, after watching a few video tutorials you will be able to turn off your water and discover firsthand exactly what on earth is going on under your sink. 

Gabriel Serrano

A rock cracks your windshield

Seriously, where the heck did that thing come from? And how can something so small make such a big crack? When preparing for the unexpected, like when a rock hits your windshield, having a reliable solution in your back pocket is your best bet. When it comes to auto glass service, Safelite is that solution, full stop. Whether it happens while you’re driving through the Rocky Mountains or the Arizona desert, Safelite — America’s largest vehicle glass specialist, with more than 6,700 repair facilities and MobileGlassShops® nationwide — will be close by. Plus, they work with most major insurance companies, offer the industry’s only nationwide lifetime warranty and service all makes and models (even classic cars at some locations). Scheduling online is fast and easy, and they provide a full spectrum of services including windshield replacement, chip repair, side window and rear glass replacement and advanced safety systems recalibration. They also offer related products such as top-quality windshield wipers, glass cleaner and water-repellant treatment. They can basically do anything, short of stopping that stupid rock from smacking your windshield in the first place.

You split your pants

Just like spilling marinara sauce all over your new suit, this kind of sartorial setback is one that you really never expect. And yet, split happens. Your best hope here is to keep a spare set of clothes in the places you most frequent — your car, your office, your gym locker — so that no matter where you are when disaster strikes, you’re hopefully not too far from a fresh pair.

Your water heater goes kaput

One word: warranty. Opt into it, extend it, familiarize yourself with its terms so that when you need a replacement, you’re able to get one. Another way you can prepare for this unforeseeable event is to find out the typical shelf life of your important appliances and drop a reminder in your calendar six months to a year out from the replacement date to give everything a once-over, make sure it’s still working and see if you need to start researching a new one. 

Your pet needs an operation

Poor pooch! Unforeseen pet medical expenses can be emotionally fraught and financially burdensome. Get yourself a pet insurance policy or build up an emergency savings fund, keep up with your pet’s annual checkups and talk to the vet in advance about various worst-case scenarios and contingency plans for your goodest little boys and girls. 

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