This Simple Site Supercharges Amazon Searches

Jeviz finds hidden deals on the shopping site

August 18, 2016 9:00 am EDT

For centuries, bold explorers have traveled the mighty Amazon, mapping dense jungle landscapes and seeking mysterious treasures. 

These days, we just explore “the Everything store.”

Now a new site is letting users dig into every unexplored nook and cranny of the site. It’s like Aguierre: the Wrath of God but for internet shopping. 

The newly launched Jeviz calls itself “Amazon search on steroids.” While it’s not pretty to look at, Jeviz does go to places on the e-commerce behemoth that would be difficult or impossible to find on your own. And it uncovers some amazing deals.

Using the form on its homepage, you can parse searches from top-level buckets (department, keyword, brand) down to very precise criteria, like hidden keywords (words used by sellers to tag products, which aren’t actually visible to shoppers). 

There are also advanced book search parameters (e.g. searching by publisher) and 11 search options for Amazon Video, as opposed to just the three on Amazon’s site.

If you sign in—it’s free—you can also save search parameters.

It’s not a perfect solution, but Jeviz reminds us of sites like Canopy (curated, well-designed Amazon) and add-ons like Slackzon (search Amazon without leaving Slack)—resources that make working with our e-commerce overlords a little less taxing.


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