Camp of Approval

By The Editors
June 17, 2013 9:00 am EDT

Among the many things a man misses about his childhood summer camp — archery, homemade ice cream, entire cabins full of girls — one rite of passage stands out clear as a cloudless night.

Skinny-dipping. Oh, and pig roasts.

Both are on tap at OFFSITE, a big-kids-only upstate getaway featuring thrice-daily feasts, immersive strategy games and “myriad late-night skinny-dipping opportunities.”

Tickets are available now.

Running July 12-14th at Clawhammer Farm (a three-hour drive from Manhattan), OFFSITE’s first ever summer weekend is themed around “food hacking.”

Which means you’ll learn the art of cheesemaking from Brooklyn’s Wedge Cheesemongers, how to mold drinking glasses out of ice from NYC inventor Mike Kelberman and how to take food photos from Pantry Confidential’s Christine Han.

And, of course, the belle of this DIY ball – making moonshine in a Prohibition-era reflux still (which you’ll help build).

Evenings are reserved for family meals (a chicken roast on Friday, a pig roast on Saturday), drinking the fruit of your labors and sleeping under stars.

This time, you bring the girl.



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