To borrow from the great Yogi Berra, “It sure does get late early around here.”
“Late” meaning snowy. And “here” meaning Wolf Creek Ski Area, Colorado.
Located just outside of Pagosa Springs in the southwestern corner of the state, Wolf Creek just announced it’s open for business as of this weekend.
“But I haven’t even bought a pumpkin yet!” many of you are whispering at your screens right now in horror. Yes, neither have we. But this portion of Colorado gets absolutely dumped on, and Wolf Creek just received 27 inches of snow in the last three days. That was deemed enough reason to open up three of its runs (Treasure Stoke, Bonanza, Nova) for this weekend, and all weekends in the foreseeable future.
The opening is three weeks earlier than Wolf Creek had originally intended, and most definitely the earliest opening in the Lower 48. If you’re interested in digging out your gloves and gear and shredding some very fresh pow, head here for more information.
All images from Wolf Creek Ski Area
h/t The Points Guy
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