How to Get Miles Teller’s “Top Gun: Maverick” Mustache

A couple of barbers tell us how to get the internet’s favorite 'stache.

June 28, 2022 6:34 am EDT
Miles Teller in Top Gun: Maverick
Paramount Pictures.

It’s the summer of the ‘stache. Don’t believe us? Just head on over to TikTok, where it seems nearly every user is thirsting over one Miles Teller. 

Well, over Teller’s Top Gun: Maverick character Lieutenant Bradley “Rooster Bradshaw and, more specifically, the Lieutenant’s glorious mustache. 

Teller’s role in the blockbuster has cemented him as a sex symbol (according to some publications, anyway), and if you’ve seen the film or the many, many clips of the actor circulating the internet, it’s not hard to see why.

Between his shirtless, slow-mo dance sequence, swoon-worthy piano playing and handsome Ray-Ban aviators, Teller has swiftly become the object of the internet’s affection. Really, though, what has TikTokers in a chokehold is that thick bushel of dark hair laid under his nose. 

What can only be described (lovingly) as a pornstache, Teller’s facial hair has inspired viral montages, memes, declarations of love and even copycats. Since the film’s release, some men have even taken it upon themselves to replicate the throwback look by growing out their facial hair, or buzzing portions of it off, to form a handle-bar-shaped mustache, as evidenced by these viral TikToks:

Even before Teller became the face of the once ridiculed style, mustaches — in general — had already made a bit of a comeback.

“I’ve definitely seen an increase in mustaches in the last 12 months,” says Chris Brownless, Owner of the UK-based barbershop Northwest Barber Co

“I think people were forced to change their grooming routines during the pandemic and got more creative in lockdowns. A lot of people had a go at sporting a ‘stache and turns out they loved it, so they stuck with it,” he tells InsideHook, adding, though, that recent TV and film characters are also responsible.

Including, obviously, Top Gun: Maverick, which may have single-handedly made the ‘pornstache’ cool. 

The term, Brownless explains, is a slang term “for that thick, blocky mustache silhouette that doesn’t drop down past the sides of the mouth” popular in the ‘70s and ‘80s.

“[It] literally refers to the mustache of choice for porn stars of that era,” he adds. “I think it’s lost that connotation now and it refers to the shape and style. Some take the term as an offense while others take it as a compliment. Miles Teller’s ‘stache in Top Gun is definitely reminiscent of those times.”

So if you’ve walked out of a Top Gun: Maverick showing feeling inspired to join Teller and the others making the switch to the pornstache, Brownless and celebrity barber Philly “BarberKing” Garcia tell us how to go about growing and maintaining a ‘stache fit for a fighter jet pilot.

What’s the most common mistake people make when growing a mustache?

Brownless: The most common mistake I see is people removing the rest of their facial hair too soon, to reveal an undeveloped mustache. The best way to make a great first impression with your ‘stache is to grow out all of your facial hair until the mustache is ready, then remove the rest of the hair around it. This also gives you more room to experiment with shape and size. 

Garcia: I think the most important thing is to have patience if you want to get your look just right.

Can you lay out the steps and/or offer any tips for growing a mustache like Teller’s?

Brownless: My best advice for growing any kind of mustache is to take care of your skin, and take care of your facial hair. A good cleansing and grooming routine is the key to growing any kind of facial hair, and pairing that with the right product is imperative. My go-to grooming lotions and potions for a mustache are Uppercut’s Deluxe Beard Oil and Beard Balm. The beard oil is great for any length of the beard as it helps to treat the skin as the facial hair starts sapping nutrients from your skin, often leaving it dry and itchy. The beard balm is great once you want to start controlling the hair a little, as it has a little bit of hold to keep hair in place and tame those stubborn flyaways. Massaging this right through the ‘tache into the skin is good for the hair and skin and smells amazing right under your nose!

Garcia: I recommend growing out your hair for around two weeks. You can start with a full beard and trim it into a mustache, or keep the rest of your facial hair clean while the mustache grows. This razor is great for keeping the rest of your stubble tidy while growing out the perfect mustache.

How about upkeep?

Garcia: It depends on the look you’re going for, and how often you trim your mustache, but the key is to keep it clean and trim with care. When taking off length be sure to move from each edge of the mustache toward the center to keep it symmetrical. 

Brownless: When It comes to trimming it into shape, if you’re not confident then seek out a professional barber who can take care of your mo! Regular trimming to keep your mustache looking and feeling healthy is key, so keep on top of it.

Garcia: To keep your mustache fresh and soft, use Cremo’s Beard and Scruff Softener. This will prevent itching and keep your mustache smelling amazing. To keep the rest of your facial hair in check and let your mustache shine I recommend using the Cremo Barber-Grade Razor along with their Original Shave Cream.


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