Pro-Dommes Are Convincing Their Subs to Get Vaccinated

Dommes are instituting vaccine mandates for clients, and clients are obliging

Woman's legs wearing black leather pants and platform boots with handcuffs dangling from heel
If you want a session with the pro-domme of your choice, you may have to get the jab.
Alexovics Attila/ iStock / Getty Images Plus

For everyone who rushed to get a COVID-19 vaccine the moment they were available like Black Friday shoppers lining up outside their favorite store before the Thanksgiving leftovers are put away, there was someone who needed a little incentive to get the jab. For some, it was a glazed donut from Krispy Kreme, while for others the mere novelty of getting vaccinated at a strip club was enough to assuage any vaccine hesitancy. For still others, it was the promise of a session with a professional dominatrix.

According to Rolling Stone, pro-dommes have proven a surprisingly influential force in motivating the public to get vaccinated, at least among their client base. Dommes who are requiring proof of vaccination from their subs told the mag’s E.J. Dickson why and how they’re convincing their clients to get the jab. “I’ve had at least a dozen [subs] who have said, ‘If this is what I have to do to see you, I’ll do it.’ And that makes me happy,” pro-domme Goddess Alexandra Snow told Rolling Stone. “If I’m the reason someone is getting vaccinated, that’s one person less who can impact our community.”

For many dommes, however, enforcing a vaccine mandate among clients is less about using their powers of persuasion to promote any public good than it is simply protecting their own health and that of their clients. It’s also a way of ensuring a client is willing to pay a domme the respect they deserve. “Someone who’s in service to us should respect our boundaries,” LA-based domme Daddy An Li told Dickson. “Either you want to serve us and you respect us, or you don’t.”

And while dommes demanding their subs get the vaccine may sound like a distinctly 2021 kink, a vaccine mandate in a BDSM dungeon seems to be more about health and safety than exercising control over a sub. “For me, I don’t want someone to do what I tell them to just because I told them to do it. I want them to do it because I’m right,” Goddess Snow told Dickson, adding that she often encourages vaccine-hesitant subs to educate themselves so they can make their own informed decision, rather than simply using her position to command a sub to put a foreign substance in their body. “So much of BDSM is about bodily autonomy, and I need them to have bodily autonomy there,” Snow told Rolling Stone.

While protecting the health and safety of oneself and one’s fellow man should theoretically be enough, some of us need a little incentive to get vaxxed up. Ultimately, whether it’s a Krispy Kreme donut or a session with the pro-domme of your choice, there’s no bad reason to get the jab.

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