How Do You Gain Access to the Most Elite Dating Apps?

Exactly how "elite" are they?

October 27, 2022 10:51 am EDT
Various elite dating app icons
Are these apps all as "elite" as they promise? And what does that even mean?
Elite Singles, The League, MillionareMatch, Raya, Luxy

Anyone with Internet access can sign up for Tinder. But in order to find the type of person you’re looking for on that app, you’re required to swipe through an endless stream of, well, everyone else. Maybe what you’re looking for requires a bit more refinement — a higher income, a cadre of upper-crust acquaintances or a degree from a school several presidents have attended, perhaps. What you need, then, is to get yourself onto one of several dating apps catered toward this type of elite demographic. Jst how hard is it to get into one of these groups? That depends — but much like the rest of the world, who you know and how much you’re willing to spend can get you far. Here, a rundown of the most elite dating apps and what you’ll have to do to get on them.

The League

The League is designed to be reminiscent of the exclusivity of Ivy League colleges (or professional sports leagues) and the social circles associated with it, but it’s a bit easier to get in here than it is at Harvard. Its website states that it’s for people who’ve been told their standards are too high and those with “passion and drive.”

In order to join The League, you must live in one of the cities the app operates in. If you live in the United States, just about every city qualifies, whether it’s New York City or Fargo, ND. Outside of the United States, most international destinations offer League membership, but there are some exclusions. You may join the League in Frankfurt, but not in Berlin. A full list can be found here. In addition, you must also have a Facebook and LinkedIn account for verification. Beyond location and your online presence, however, there are no other demographic or technical stipulations for joining the League. 

What makes it elite:

You do in fact have to apply, and will be kept on a waitlist until your account is approved — which may never happen. Upon applying, you’ll be given a place in the waitlist that may go up or down, depending on the number of applicants. The League doesn’t specify whether the perceived impressiveness of your job or education plays a role in your position, though the app brands its users as “high-quality” and “selective.” One article from an applicant in 2021 cites that she was told there were just under 1 million people on the waitlist, but that she was granted access in less than 24 hours. 

Can you bypass all this with $$$ and connections?

Yes, absolutely. You can even skip over the LinkedIn portion if you’re willing to pay to become a member. For $99 a week or $399 for a three month membership, you can skip the waitlist and gain access to a suite of app benefits that allow you to receive more matches and hide whatever profile information you please. Alternatively, friends that are already on the app can “endorse” you in order to expedite your place on the waitlist, and if two of you apply at the same time, you can refer each other and skip the line together.


Raya is perhaps the most famous of the elite dating apps, and potentially the most actually elite of the bunch. As many users have reported, you will indeed see real celebrities on there looking for love and sex through their phones like the rest of us plebs. Raya doesn’t call itself elite, but “private” instead. 

The Raya application is brief: all you need is your full name, email, phone number and an Instagram for verification purposes. You’re also asked to include your industry and occupation. Other than that, there’s no bio to fill out or photos to upload until you’re actually a member. One caveat to consider is that you may only apply via the mobile app.

What makes it elite?

Raya is set apart by the fact that you almost always have to have a referral in order to pass your application through. You can submit your application without one, but you’re warned that “very few” people have been accepted without referrals. How do you get about acquiring a referral? The best way is to just have other friends who use the app that you can ask, but the app will also connect to your contacts so you can see who else you know that’s on there, too. You can use this function to ask these contacts for a referral through the app, too. Notably, while there are celebrities on the app, there are tons of normal people, too — they just tend to be wealthy, well-connected or work in a hip industry. 

Can you bypass all this with $$$ and connections?

Again, connections are everything with Raya. Unless you’re an actual celeb, you probably don’t stand a chance without them. That said, Raya is not an elite dating app you can buy your way into. There is a membership option to enhance your user experience once you’re in, but there’s no method of skipping the line or application process that is visible to the public. 


One of the least low-key of the bunch, Luxy advertises itself as the “best elite and millionaire dating site.” While Raya follows more of a “wealth whispers” approach, Luxy seems comfortable with the idea that money talks. 

To apply, all that’s needed is your basic information and one photo. From there, you’re given a 24 hour waiting period in which other users and members of the Luxy team can assess your profile and “vouch” for your acceptance while you beef up your profile with more photos and additional information. 

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What makes it elite

Given that you’re reviewed by both Luxy staff and members, you’re going to have to fit whatever their ideal is for the site. On top of having a completed profile with six or more pictures, this also means putting forth a certain presentation of financial success. The minimum income one can list (though listing an income isn’t required at all) is $200k per year. If you don’t appear to fit that description — as vague and varying as that “appearance” can be — you may not get accepted. Allegedly, only 20 percent of applicants are let in. 

Can you bypass all this with $$$ and connections?

You can skip that 24-hour vouching period entirely by paying for Luxy Black, which is between $42 and $80 per month depending on the length of your membership. Like every other dating app with a paid tier, this comes with additional benefits like more matches, too. Luxy also offers additional perks to members who have verified their income on the site, as well as those that are deemed “extremely attractive.” 


Like Luxy, understated isn’t exactly MillionareMatch’s vibe. Not only is the site explicitly for millionaires and/or those making at least $300k a year (“attractive singles” can sign up, too), it also cites itself as being “the largest millionaire dating service for developed countries since 2001.” That’s right, developed countries only. 

The “developed countries” bit is one of the more striking requirements for signing up. Outside of Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, the only countries allowed to participate are Israel, Singapore, Japan and Taiwan. None of Central America, South America, Africa or the remainder of Asia makes the cut. You’re asked to specify how much you earn per year, but you’re allowed to tick a box saying you make less than $300k, are generationally wealthy or make more than $300k but prefer not to say exactly how much. Other than that, there’s nothing stopping anyone from signing up. 

What makes it elite:

Really, it’s just the branding. Again, anyone in what they deem a “developed” country can sign up, but you can verify your wealth on the site if that really matters to you. 

Can you bypass all this with $$$ and connections?

Since anyone can sign up, there’s not much of a need to. However, if you want to make the site actually more of an elite experience, you can pay for premium features between $45 and $70 per month depending on length of membership. These features allow you to better distinguish yourself as a millionaire, and view others who have done the same. 


Maybe what makes you elite isn’t just the amount of money you make or all the cool people you know, but the simple fact that you went to college and think you’re smart. Fair enough! If that distinction alone is enough to get you to pay for an elite dating app, EliteSingles might be for you.

EliteSingles emphasizes the education level of its users above all, and it’s the first question asked upon sign-up. According to the site, 85 percent of members have received a higher education. That said, it doesn’t appear to be a strict requirement. Instead, the sign-up process includes a comprehensive quiz asking about your own style (even asking you to choose which pattern you prefer from a set of four, for example) and your relationship wants and needs. It appears as though you can answer these questions however you’d like, and still get in. All ages (18+) and locations are allowed. 

What makes it elite: Elite

Singles is largely self-selecting, given the length of the quiz and the priority of education. What makes it most elite, however, is that there is only a paid option — you can’t use the site for free, at all. Prices begin at $20 per month.


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