The Best Coastal Hike in All of California

Especially if you like beaches and pizza

July 11, 2016 9:00 am EDT

The biggest problem with getting outside in the Bay Area? Being spoiled for choice. Previously, we discovered the top Bay Area paddle and waterfall backpacking trip.

Today: the very best coastal hike in all of California, at least in this correspondent’s humble opinion.

To-go breakfast: The Bruce Lee (double spinach, double kale) at Sidewalk Juice

Put in your GPS: Pierce Point Ranch parking

The hike: The trailhead for the Tomales Point Trail is at Pierce Point Ranch, a solid 40-minute drive from the visitor’s center at Bear Valley — so when you’ve arrived, you’ve really not even there yet. Most first-timers at Point Reyes (or its adjacent state parks) head squarely for the Bear Valley trails; here, we’ll pass through Tule Elk land. It’s 10 miles all the way to Tomales Point (and it’s windy as hell, be forewarned), but once you get there, you won’t want to move: the views of Bodega Bay and the wider Pacific are unbeatable.

Total ground covered: 10 miles

Potential subjects for your Instagram: Ocean views, lupines (in season), rambling elk and not much altitude

Post-hike drinks: Pizzas and beer at Café Reyes



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