Sometimes, the best things in life are free. Sometimes, they are not.
But they almost invariably come at the end of a line.
Here’s the exception to the rule: giant canvas glamping tents you can stay in as early as tomorrow night.
Terra Glamping offers 10 safari-style tents about two-and-a-half hours north of the city, just of Highway 1. “Safari-style” means they’re big (12′ X 14′), sturdy and more like a mobile hotel room than your standard camping tent. Each space comes with a memory-foam mattress and proper bedding. We like to rough it. Not all the time. This is one of those other times.
Best of all: a patio to watch the whales as they swim by, up the Sonoma coast to the summer homes in Alaska.
Hot showers? Proper toilets? They’ve got it.
Wifi? Not so much.
So don’t think of this as “working with a view” — this is a chance for a total getaway.
Sure, it’s early in the season. Bring a sweater. You’re tough.
Better a chill in the evening air than a crowd, we like to say.
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